
OutdoorFest aims to create a community of New York's urban-based outdoor enthusiasts.

Join our new Mappy Hour PRO Club.

Outdoor Events in NYC: 10/29-11/2

Outdoor Events in NYC: 10/29-11/2


-What's your perfect age for adventure? Find out here.

-Mappy Hour: October was a blast and November is coming up! 

-We found some extra open space in NYC - surprise! 

Knife Restoration

October 28th, 7PM, Best Made
Is your pocket knife a little dull?  Polish up your blades & bolsters! Link.

Olympic Gold Medalist

October 29th, 7PM, Dumbo|Sky
Come hear Kelly Clark, Olympic snowboarding champion, speak. Link.

Reel Paddling Film

October 30th, 7:00PM, The Shanty
9th annual festival showcases the world's best paddling films in 100 cities. Link.

Canoe the Dutch Kills

October 31st, Varies, North Brooklyn Boat Club
What's better than a haunted house? A haunted river! Link.

Ghoulish Bike Ride

October 31st, 5:30PM, Chelsea Piers
For a different type of halloween.... bike to Staten Island in costume. Link.

Winter Cycling 101

November 2nd, 1:00PM, Roosevelt Island
If you're not watching (or running) the marathon here's a free class on winter cycling. Link.

Event Recap: Tour de Bronx

Event Recap: Tour de Bronx

Paddling with the North Brooklyn Boat Club

Paddling with the North Brooklyn Boat Club