
OutdoorFest aims to create a community of New York's urban-based outdoor enthusiasts.

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Events 12/11 - 16

Events 12/11 - 16

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This week in #OutdoorNYC:

Adventure Film: Red Knot

12/8 - 11, varies, IFC Center
A couple takes a honeymoon aboard a research vessel going to Antarctica. Link.

Lecture: Whales in NYC

December 11th, 7:00PM, Staten Island
The Director of Gotham Whales speaks on our local "gentle giants" of the NYC harbors. Link.

North Face Speaker Series

December 11th, 7:30PM, Symphony Space
Alex Honnold & Cedar Wright talk about Sufferfest 2: The Tower of Pain. Link.

Yoga for Runners

December 11th, 7:00PM, Jack Rabbit UWS
Yoga class designed specifically for runners. Link.

Ugly Sweater Party

December 14th, 6:00PM, Brooklyn Boulders
Startup Rock Climbing + BKB throw a holiday climbing party! Link.

Ladies Shred Night

December 16th, 6:00PM, Snowmotion
Trampoline coaching, demos & nutrition for female snowboarders. Link.

Days of Adventure (Vol. 1)

Days of Adventure (Vol. 1)

Getting back into Running with the NYC Trail Festival

Getting back into Running with the NYC Trail Festival