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What to Pack for the OutdoorFest 2016 Campout

What to Pack for the OutdoorFest 2016 Campout

We're two days away from the big OutdoorFest kick off in Staten Island and we want to make sure everyone is packed and ready for a night under the stars.

Packing list


  • Tent (rentals here).
  • Sleeping bag and sleeping Pad (suggestions here).
  • Headlamp or flashlight (if you're running, headlamp required)
  • Extra layer (low is 62 degrees), rain jacket
  • Water bottle***


  • Yoga mat (yoga class is at 5:00PM)
  • Running / hiking footwear 
  • Camp stove + cooking gear (Mi Casa will be on-site selling empanadas if you'd prefer not to cook for yourself. In the morning we'll have Clif bars for breakfast snacks!)
  • Playing cards, musical instrument 

Additional FAQ

Q. It might rain will you cancel?

Answer here.

Q. I'm running, what time does that start?

A. Registration for the run goes from 7:30PM-8:00PM. Race begins at 8:30PM. 

Q. Is this timed? Are there prizes?

Yes and yes! 

Q. If I forget my headlamp can I still run?


Q. I purchased a shuttle pass, where do I go? 

You will exit the Staten Island Ferry St. George Terminal in the front (south side) and turn left to find the passenger pick up/drop off. There you will see a large white 15 passenger van. That’s your ride! Here’s a map circling said passenger pick up /drop off area: http://imgur.com/kwlbGpd

Q. What's for dinner?

You can bring your own food (picnic style), cook your own food with a campstove (or over the fire) or purchase food from Mi Casa who will be on site! 

Q. Can I drive myself?

Yes, there is parking on site. **Please do not use the Google Maps address for Kaufman it will lead you astray!**  For GPS use: 1215-1251 Manor Rd, Staten Island, NY you will see the entrance to the "JCC camp" across the street from the school. That's where you turn.

Once you park you'll see a path on the left hand side of the lot leading up to a lake where check-in is. 

Q. Can I bring kids, a dog, illegal substances or my own alcohol?


Q. I have more questions...

Email: contact@outdoorfest.com

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