
OutdoorFest aims to create a community of New York's urban-based outdoor enthusiasts.

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All together: the travel experts of NYC

All together: the travel experts of NYC

Travel Buffs Converge in New York City April 26th + 27th

We're excited to announce that we'll be participating in this year's New York Travel Festival - an incredible event being hosted Bohemian National Hall on April 26th and Hosteling International on the 27th. They aim to bring together travel enthusiasts from various sectors to talk about the industry and dream about big destinations.

The festival highlights travel of all types and includes some awesome speakers who have incredible stories of adventure. Johna Johnson of Wind Against Current will speak to how she balances running a technology research company, living in the city, and successfully completing ambitious expeditions like the recent kayaking ultra marathon: the Everglades Challenge. On Saturday, we'll hear from Mike & Anne Howard of HoneyTrek who just returned to their NYC home from a two year trek around the globe.

The OutdoorFest team will be represented as well - speaking at the Experts Corner and joining a Saturday panel on traveling in New York City. We'll be highlighting some of our favorite local destinations for easy-to-access adventures. We won't give it away now but if you read our newsletter and follow us on Facebook you probably have an idea of the types of activities and places we'll be advocating for.

Check out the full schedule here and buy your ticket here (watch out prices go up on the 15th!)


Header photo from last year's festival. More here.

Events: 4/15 - 17

Events: 4/15 - 17

Events: 4/8 - 4/13

Events: 4/8 - 4/13